Corporate Governance


Dover Castle Metals is a public unlisted company that operates in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001.

Our governance framework provides transparency, accountability, and rigour in strategy development, implementation, and risk management.

Our policies and processes are intended to meet the high standards of corporate governance, which together with our purpose and values, guide our day-to-day actions and behaviours.

The Company has a strong focus on regulatory compliance and workplace health and safety.

The Board

The Board and Management team have evolved over the past 18 months, being restructured to better meet the needs of the Company.

Our Board consists of three Non-Executive Directors, including the Chair, Managing Director, and Chief Executive Officer. Our Board and Executive leaders are supported by industry professionals and consultants.

Our aligned team is absolutely committed to our purpose and values.

Our commitment to continuous improvement is demonstrated by resolutions passed at our most recent AGM that amend our Constitution to provide greater transparency and protection for our shareholders.

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